Wednesday 1 November 2017

Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Are ‘Back Together’, New Photos Confirm

Good news for the families of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, but absolutely horrendous news for Beliebers, the young stars are back together.

The rumours have been going round for quite some time now.

By ‘some time’ I mean immediately after they first broke up.

Gomez had been seeing rapper The Weeknd earlier this year but the couple split a few weeks ago.

Bieber and Gomez were seen recently riding bikes and looking besotted.

On Wednesday morning they were papped again in LA.

On both occasions, Gomez has looked very ‘I’m out with my boyfriend, haha!’ so it’s a certainty that these two are ready to give this thing another go.

It seems the pressures of fame and the media can’t stop Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, who thankfully no joint celebrity couple name that I have to write down and ruin my week.

Hang on, wait, wasn’t it Jelena? Right, week’s ruined. Thanks guys.

I’ll look past it in the name of love, though. Always.

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