Thursday 12 October 2017

Story [All that glitters] Ep20&21

Episode 20
°°Dre’s inspiration°°
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they both stepped out the house and walked down the road a little
they took a sharp curve and
slowly approached a little shack just by the side of the road
while walking
halima kept stealing glances at Muna as they went
she observed the way he studied the entire area he was in
it was like his instincts were sharp and ready for any unexpected at all
Muna caught her staring at him
he then asked
“is there a problem?”
halima smiled
there he goes again with his favourite phrase
“do you always say that phrase when you feel like quizzing someone”
“what phrase,,,?
he asked absentmindedly
she chuckled again
“yeah right,,,like you don’t know what phrase I’m talking about,,,”
Muna revved
not really sure what to say though
she asked again
“Muna I need to ask you something,,,pls be honest”
he laxed up
“my honesty is notorouis,,,but go ahead”
she then started
“have you ever been in love before”
Muna scrunched his eyebrows
not really sure what to say again
“have you,,,?”she asked again
“well…I’m not sure”
he kicked a stone on their path
“I don’t really know much about love,,,so,, I guess I’m not sure then”
she grimaced
he then said
“well I know,,,I love my dog billz than I love sleeping,,buh…”
she giggled
“lol,, come on,I don’t mean that kind ”
he nodded
then looked at her then asked
“why do you ask?”
she shook her head
“no reason,,,just ,,,you know?”
they walked down some more
…they soon reached the shop of the aboki
Muna greeted the man
“eeyh ,Muna my man,,,how ya dey now”
“fine ,,,how is market” Muna asked
“insha allah o,,,I still dey push am” the aboki smiled showing front teeth with a few missing bits
the man peered at halima then said
“eeyh Muna ,,,this na your girlprend kwo”
Muna started
“no yaro,,,we r just-”
halima cut in
“yes I am,,,”
she said boldly
Muna gave her a questioning Look
the aboki’s smile widened
“kai ,Muna,,you geh better eye o,,,see as your babe fine like mammy water”
halima giggled
Muna turned and faced the man
he forced an acknowledging smile
as he ordered the right amount of mishai to be solved
the entire thing was packaged for them
and they headed back
although Muna didntvwait till they got to the house before he galloped his own and wiped his mouth clean
halima broke into a laugh as she saw his mouthful of crumbs
“and I was thinking you weren’t even hungry,,,Look at your fat cheeks now,,,you Look like a cute little boy who haven’t eaten in two days”
she teased him
Muna was about to say something in his defence when his phone rang
he took it out his pockets then slid it open
halima watched him pick the call
“no ,, I was kinda busy then,|,,,you mean right now|,,,okay I’ll be there right now|”
he hung up ..then turned to her and said
“I need to go somewhere now,,,we’ll continue our project later huh”

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Muna approached mike’s house
he got nearer to the biulding
he then looked ahead and saw a faniliar guy making a conversation girl down the road
he approached them and
“Tobi why the hell are you outside,,,didn’t Dre already call for squad meeting”
Tobi looked sideways at Muna then left the girl he was flirting with to talk to him
in a whispering tone
“yo yo ..Muna ,,,pls man I beg you,,,I really need to score this babe,,,pls just give me five mins okay,,I’ll be in then”
Muna sighed
he looked at the girl
she looked so cheap,,,he soon noticed the sly way she batted her eyelids at him.
he felt repelled when she winked him
“you know what,,do whatever,,,I’m going in”
Muna scurried off leaving Tobi behind
Tobi smiled then returnd to his wooing
“is that your brother”
she asked him
Tobi had a puzzling Look
“brother?,,,wh0 brother?”
she motioned towards Muna walking away
“,that cute guy,,,is your older brother”
Tobi gave her a mocking Look
**ehn,,,you can’t tell a halfcaste from normal race again,,,lemme sha chop your kpomo first before I blast you**
“no,,,he isn’t,,we are friends. ,,forget about that,,,where was I?
she grabbed one of her boobs and showed him
Tobi had a foolish smile on as he started his procedure

“did I hear someone say paradise inn” Muna asked as he entered the room
Mike looked up at him then replied
“yeah man,,,we are headed there right now,,,just need Dre to finish analysing”
Muna slumped into the nearest chair he could find
Dre then asked him
“did you see that pighead outside”
Muna nodded
“Mike call him again,,,but this time,,,use the method!”
Mike smiled happily at they request Dre made
he went to the corner of the room then picked up a smooth pebble
not too big not too small
just the right size
he then walked to the window
took a positioned aim
as usual
his eagle view eyes aimed accurately at the spot he wanted to hit
then he flung it towards his target
“direct hit!” he announced
john and Dre chuckled as they heard tobi’s pained yell from outside
in a few seconds
Tobi dashed through the door
he was clutching his head from the impact
it was probably swollen
with teary eyes..he made to attack Mike
but Dre stopped him…
even tho he tried protesting ..
Dre reminded him of these not being the first time he was called…
he also reminded him..ofhis crazy spending offence thar is still dancing in the air
“see it as part of your purnishment” Dre said…
they rounded up everything they had to discuss then they all stood up to Leave..

“seriously man,,,why the hell are we sitting in the middle of the streets”
Mike asked annoyingly
Dre simply ignored him then closed his eyes to meditate
after they had left the house
they started to walk taking the route that led to paradise inn
but then as they entered nkwova street,,,Dre suddenly stopped and suggested they stay and observe the environment first
john was not sure which one confused him the most
if it was the way Dre said “let’s stop and observe,,or the fact that,, they sat on a pavement by the roadside…
passersby kept staring at them like they were psycho related or something
“Dre honestly,,,you guys can stay here and let people Look at you like billboard,or something,,as for me.,,I have an image and reputatiom to protect ,,,so let’s buzz off here”
Dre didn’t even bulge
john turned to Muna,,,to do something..but Muna wasn’t ready to help
“noo,,,I’m curious,,,what if this time he actually gets somethiing ! ,Muna announced
they all groaned
Dre just kept humming and closing his eyes in meditation
after sitting and meditating for like 30 mins ,,
Dre finally stood up and announced
“well boys,,,unfortunately,,,I couldn’t get anything from that,,,so let’s continue our journey”
they all stood up and dusted their clothes as Dre spoke
then Tobi carelessly said
“celebrity like me sitting on the road like that,,,all these people walking around were now looking at me,,,you are a really weird guy Dre ”
Dre felt nerved at tobi’s comments
he then thought of this as a means to even purnish Tobi for his previous offence
so he said
“you guys,,,let’s cross,,,Tobi ,,now sit back down there and don’t get up untill I say so”
Tobi flinched
“but Dre,,-”
he yelled
“you know how to run your mouth right,,,and how to run out of money,,,today you will run a lot and run on your butt,,,don’t sit on the pavement o,,,sit in the barefloor”
“arh Dre!”
“Barefloor ,,now”
Tobi slowly shifted and did as he was asked…
the other guys crossed over the road and left him behind…
passersby kept muttering and looking at him.as they walked,,,
it seems as tho somepeople recognised who he was
Tobi dropped his head in shame from their questioning gaze
they reached paradise inn and stood outside for five minutes before Muna I interceded
he turned around and shouted to tobi to stand up and join them
Tobi quickly got up from the floor and scurried off to them
Dre walked up and pushed open the door to the mall
they followed him and stepped in
the entire mall was beatifully decorated with mostly glass furnitures
people were busy roaming about looking for materials that concerned them
was all john could say as he marvelled at the exotic way the mall was biult
the other guys had been here before so the surroundins didn’t really move them
Dre strolled sparsely towards the musical section
and they followed closely behind
like the isrealites following moses
an attendant was on desk and he inquired them as Dre approached him
“yes how may I be of help t you gentlemen”
Mike pushed forward and naughtily teased
“yes bruh,,,pls we are looking for Dre’s inspiration”
the guy had a confused Look on his face
as he tried to figure out what that meant
Dre shot Mike a glaring Look
and playfully slapped the back of his head
“don’t mind him pls,,it is the effect of the drug he took this evening that’s making him say weird stuff”
Mike opened his mouth to deny ever taking drugs but Muna
covered it up and shoved him aside
“yeah,,,so ,,,is there a catalogue for all the items here I would like to see it”
the guy still a little bit
puzzled managed to answer
“ye-yeah,,,right this way,,,follow me”
he led and they followed closely behind
Episode 21
••is This the truth••
she had a dumbfounded Look on her face as she walked
it was like she was carrying a burden in her heart
halima looked so lost in thought
she couldn’ fathom any other idea
it seemed like the only way
if she kept refusing timi”s advances he might really go to his father and falsly accuse her
the man may send her packing
where could she go…
how will she cope ..
there’s no way her dad could pay up his debt on time before then
but again how is she supposed to give in and let that p-----t take advantage of her
but she had to
if she doesn’t she could be a burden on her dear parents
halima sighed
she was so lost in thought
she didn’t notice me in front of her
she just kept walking until she bumped into me
“ohh,,,ken ,,I’m so sorry , ,I didn’t see you”
I quizzed her with a Look
“are you alright you seem lost in thought,,,”
she feigned
“yeah,,,I’m fine I’m just,,just not feeling well”
“hmn,,is it a fever or something,,,do you need to go to the infirmary”
I touched her forehead to feel her temperature
she shook her head
“no no…I’ll be ok if I just sit somewhere”
I wasn’t convinced
I am a very observant fellow
I knew this was more than just a fluke
I started again
“halima,,,are you sure ,,nothing else is wrong,,,I mean,,,no school problems ,social,,,or family issues”
she glared at me
“are you a counsellor or what,,,I said I’m fine”
raising her voice a little
she closed her eyes then sighed
appologising immediately
“I’m sorry ken,,,i didn’t mean to sound like that,,,I’m just a little cranky today”
I welled up
“I understand,,,everyone has ways of dealing with their own problems”
she then said
“are you headed to class,,,let’s walk together”
we started walking off through the corridor
I glanced at her and still saw that distant Look in her eyes
something is definitely wrong
something else
I didn’t want to pry much…
but I know I’ll definitely get a way to find out
(I always found out stuff,,,about people I meet,,,even personal stuff)
“you know if you’ve got issues to deal with,,,you can always talk to someone”
she stopped and gave me a look
“I don’t need a shrink”
“I didn’t say shrink,,,I said someone ,,,it doesn’t have to be a shrink”
she brushed off the idea
we took a curve and headed to the blocks
from where we walked…
we could see other students just arriving
some excitedly
some not so
halima scrunched her eyes
she noticed Muna stepping in with the rest of the cleansweep crew
but then she noticed someone else in their midst
she revved
“is there something between ,,this girl And Muna”
she asked rhetorically
she turned and said Again
“I mean,,,they r just friends right,,,”
I looked towards the direction she was talking about
I saw Muna And sonia trudging behind the other guys
Muna kept making remarks
which every now and then would make sonia giggle and Look away

they bantered on untill they reached the blocks
“they’ve known each other,,for a long time,,,so yeah,,they’re good friends,,”
I replied halima,,trying to avoid any prejudice ,,whatsoever
but her eyes lingered on on the duo
she seemed to notice something else
something more
but she said
“ken,,,what do you call a feeling you have for someone,,,when you can’t spend a few seconds without thinking of them,,,when you catch yourself staring for too long.,,when you always want to be in their company,,,”
“and worst of all,,when you always want your world to revolve around them”
I searched my mind for a while
this was an odd question tho,,,
but after roaming a while
I replied her
“uhh love I guess”
it seemed as though
she dreaded the answer
I saw her face swell with regret and sadness
she then asked
“even if you barely know the person,,,is that possible”
I nodded”yeah,,,they say love,,doesn’t care,,,when ,,where,,or how,,,it just happens,,,”
“or so I’ve heard”
she took a long sigh
so I qhickly rephrased
“but then again,,asking a boy about love may not really be, understandable,,I mean we barely know beans about it,,,”
“so in other words I could be wrong”
(I’m I wrong)
she revved
“I understand what you meant ken ,,,I just wanted your opinion”
I nodded effectively at her
we walked the remaining steps in silence till
we reached the class

“And for those of you who are yet to finish up,,,see the class rep so I may get the list of late submitters, ,is that clear?”
“yes sir!” the class chorused
as he was packing up his stuff to leave the class…
the bell rang
he rolled his eyes at the sound like
|what’s the difference I’m already leaving|
the next period was a free class
so some students roamed a little outside the class
while others stayed behind and fooled around
for someone like me,,,I always had my hands full
so no time for fooling around (no pun intended)
I was on the verge of suffocating as
some girls and boys already gathered round me to have their initials pinned down before I leave to continue my part time job at the staff office
the loud and rough students sitted at the back of the class just made the place rowdy
the left row at the back showed Muna concentrating as Mike tried teaching him some moves
on the “ultimate ninja impact” shippudeen series game he downloaded on his phone
Muna could easily learn anything ,,but he was a complete klutz when it comes to games…
but this time he was determined to learn this game
maybe its because he liked the game
or maybe because the movie of the game is his favourite film of all time
he couldn’t quite tell
…but he focused all he got on it
halima looked up and saw rita looming over her
“I’called you five times already,,,what are you seriously thinking of”
halima shook her head and said to her
“sorry rita,,I’m just,,,just not feeling well”
rita noticed the off manner which halima was speaking
I had told her of there being a possible issue going on with halima
and she took it upon herself to find out
but unfortunately…all efforts to make her speak up proved abortive
as halima dodged any question relating to the issue on ground

Muna groaned out loud as he failed for the sixth time
“aarh,,,gosh!!, I can’t,,,I can’t man,,,its too complicated,,”
he told Mike as he handed the phone back to him
“I really don’t understand you,,you can memorise every possible math formula that exist,,,solve equations like its two plus two,,,and do other freaky stuff,,,but this simple thing is complicated for you!!,,how is that possible”
Mike blurted out
Muna shook his head in confusion
he also could not explain his inability to get it once and for all
its just all about following cursors and instructions and pressing the corresponding key
he checked his time
mr zaki’s office should be opened by now
time to go and submit their weekly report
he looked around the class for halima
she was sitted at her desk
this time her head rested on it
he wondered why she was in that state
as he stood up and approached
he called her name
she still remained still
he called her two more times
no reply
he tapped her gently on they shoulders
she jerked up speedily in a reflexive manner!
“hey hey,,,easy its me,,!,,what happend ,,were you dreaming or something”
she calmed down when she saw Muna’s questioning gaze
**gosh,,,if only he knew**
Muna kept throwing questions at her
trying to know what was the root of her downcast attitude the entire day
but she smartly covered it up with the occasional “I am fine”
he had concern all over his face as he quizzed her
halima was gladdened at they care he showed for her
she felt like she could tell him everything
but no
this was her problem
not his
A small smile cracked halima’s face as she listened to Muna joke about the way her eyelids Look like the the game characters on mike’s phone
he stretched his hand and touched her face to inspect it properly
“but seriously,,,why the red spots,,,have you been crying!”
he asked alarmed
halima shook her head and assured him of the opposite
although she wished his hand would never leave her face
his touch was soothing
his voice was warm
and his smile was encouraging
she even already felt cheered up just being by his side
he offered to let her rest while he goes to give mr zaki the report but she declined
“no no,,,let me come with you,, I want to be with you”
she blurted out the words almost carelessly
Muna raised an eyebrow at her as he said
“are you sure,,,cuz you could-”
but she was already on her feet and she took his hand
“come on let’s go”
Muna shrugged
at least she seems to be feeling better now
which is good
although he wondered how come she suddenly felt better when he started to talk with her
they headed off to mr zaki’s office

In the kitchen of Sonia’s house
she just finished doing the dishes and was headed to her room to sleep
when her mother appeared from nowhere
“and where are you going to ”
she blinked
“to sleep?”
more like a question than an answer
her mother started
“but Muna is still working on our gen,,,shouldn’t you go and keep him company”
she blinked
“mom. ..I don’t understand…what exactly should I do”
her mom started again
“soso,,,its rude to stay in here,,while someone is out there ,,sacrificing for you ,,go and do something”
sonia flinched
“but mom,,I don’t know anything about gens,,what exaclty should I do”
“just go my friend,,standby, or assist him,,or hold the torch for him,,,just go”
sonia tried sprouting out a complain
but her mom didn’t
let her
she ushered her outside to the heap
sonia sighed
she saw Muna bent over concentrating on whatnot he was fixing
the way he looked distant…
he probably didn’t notice she was outside
she decided to maybe sneak to a corner and admire the way his muscles flexed
she qiuetly walked towards the pavement to sit as silently as possible
“why are you tiptoeing?”
Muna asked without even turning around
she thought
she then started stuttering
“I was,,I mean wasnt-,,I mean was trying to ,,,Pooh!”
what the hell was she saying
why can’t she make out one simple sentence
for crying outloud he is also an human being
she took a deep breath and decided to start from the beginning
but then
“yes I was,,I wasn’t,,,madam,,bring that torch and point it here”
Muna said to her her
sonia bit her lip
must she fidget all the time like this
she thought as she picked up the torch to stable it at the spot he ordered
even though it was dark
she could make out his entire features
the hardline of his face as he focused on the gen
she let her eyes drift and fall on his back muscles
he had taken off his shirt
to allow himself more opulence while working
when Muna wears a top
from the outside he looks like a skinny boy that could break into two with a little force
she wondered where this muscles then came from as he was shirtless
she heard him sigh
he looked over his shoulder and said
“Hhh,,sonia I’m not the one that needs fixing,,,it is the gen,,,pls kindly point that thing towards it..and not me”
she flinched again
as she adjusted
she got so carried away that
she didn’t notice that the light was now on him
and not the gen
she stuttered
“ohh,,sorry,,I,,I was ,I mean,,I wasn’t to,,,I mean,,,pooh!,,,never mind”
she decided to just keep shut
**what exactly is wrong with me**
she thought
she stared blankly for a while and watched in silent as he worked
she soon relaxed at they sound of clinging of tools and his harmonouis whistling
but soon again
sonia flinched
as Muna suddenly got up from his crouching position and walked towards her with all seriousness
she took a few nervous steps backwards
but he kept coming
“whah. ,, what are you-”
her back soon reached the wall and Muna came directly infront of her
her heartrate increased
as his face came closer
and one arm stretched to the other side of the wall
she felt dissappearing
but there is no such thing at this moment
her shaky hands dropped the torch to the floor
Muna brought his face closer and said simply
“hey!,,,will you be cool?”
she blinked as she saw his hand turn on the switch behind her
she relaxed as
he went back to work
all he wanted to do was test the switch to determine the passage of current
and she was killing herself for no reason
sonia thud her head against the wall
**what is wrong with me**
she asked again
but then again she blamed her mom
as she sarcastically thought
**thanks mom,,,thanks a lot,,,I see you’re interested in giving your only daughter a heart attack**
they continued
sonia focused on remaining calm as she tried steadying her torch properly
**just,,,one simple thing,,just hold torch,,you’re acting like a jellyfish,,,this the first time you’re are seeing him huh**
sonia childed herself
although she couldn’t remember the last time she saw him shirtless
she brushed off the idea
she heard ringing from the empty board by the wall
**who’s phone was that**
she thought
Muna looked up then said
“ooh,,quick!,,help me pick it”
she seemed dumbfounded
“I should pick up your call?”
she asked trying to make sure she heard right
Muna scrunched his eyebrows as he turned and faced her
“would you prefer I touch it with these hands”
he showed her his hands blackened from touching too much engine juice
well that sounded rational
she thought as she took the phone and swiped it open without checking the caller ID properly

it was like she thought
she had expected this from the start
halima just stared blankly as timi’s mom accused her
“you s--t,,,do you think I’ll believe you if you make up stories about my son”
even his dad,,the principal wasn’t helping matters as he kept saying
“,but halima you shouldn’t tell lies on people like this,,,I thought your parent trained you better than that”
her eyes drifted to a corner and she saw timi smirking at her
he had warned her not to try anything like this
but she thought perhaps maybe his parents weren’t so irrational
she couldn’t take anymore insults from the woman
with teary eyes she left the spot and ran to her room
she buried her head in her hands and sobbed silently
at this moment she wished she could be home
but home wasn’t available
so many thoughts ran through her head
she felt wronged
she felt hurt
she felt confused
shd had needed to receive counsrlling
she had to talk to someone
then she remembered vividly
he had told her,,that if there was anything she needed to say
he would be there to hear
she picked up her phone
from the counter and
with shaky fingers she punched in muna’s number
she sniffed as she waited for the line to connect
after a while
it got received
and she heard the hello from the other side …
(P.s,,,that above phrase was not intentional)


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