Saturday 14 October 2017

Story [All that glitters] Ep22&23

Episode 22
••Truths uncovered••
°° Are you being honest°°
she walked briskly
almost increasing her pace

she wanted to get to sonia before she was done with lunch at the canteen

she pushed open ghe door and walked in
scanning the entire area ,,her gaze fell upon two familiar figures by the far left corner
she walked over to them
sonia looked up and saw halima’s snorty face
“I need to speak with you in private”
she said
looking at jessy…probably expecting her to excuse them
jessy who was sitting beside sonia revved up and said
“what is so private that you cant say to my hearing”
“its not something I’d like a third personality to know about” halima replied her
jessy was about to say something when sonia stopped her and said
“its ok jess,,,just excuse me for a moment”
instead sonia stood up and walked halima to a corner
when they reached
sonia said
“so ,,,what’s it about?”
halima peered into her
“um Look…I just wanna clarify something,,,so I guess I’ll just go straight to the point,,,”
she paused
then asked
“what exact relationship do you have with Muna?”
sonia was dumbfounded
the question hit her like a brickwall
what kind of relationship did she and Muna share
brother and sister relationship?
one sided love?
what exact relationship do they have
what did Muna think of her
well as far as she knew…
Muna cared about her and would do anything for her
but that was it!
nothing further than that
they had grown together
he had known her since
and she had now become like a sister to him
even her mother calls him her son
so what would she say shares with Muna …
her feelings were not enough
her looks would never be compared to this girl standing in front of her…
so what exactly does she have to offer
sonia opened her mouth and said
“he is my friend”
halima revved
she had heard this same word from a lot of people
claiming they are “good friends”
but she had to clarify the issue once and for all
“I just don’t want any mis understanding between us,,,cos I don’t want to be seen as an imposer,,,so I’ll ask you directly,,,are the both of you dating”
sonia shook her head
“we’re not,,,we are just friends”
halima thought for a while…
“sonia,,,do you have feelings for him”
she was dumbstruck again
that was the money question right there
and there is the truth
the fact , which remained that
it wasn’t just feelings
it was deeper than that…an unexplainable bond since the very first day she set eyes on Muna…
the very first day the old man picked a little boy from the streets and brought him into his home…
she was sitted outside her house playing with her doll
when she saw the old man walking down the street
she was about to get up and go greet him
but she stopped when she saw
a boy being carried by the man
the unreadable expression of the kid fascinated her
the way he waved goodbye at her fascinated her
she wondered how someone would smile and wave at someone you don’t even know…
her curiousity got the best of her
she kept tabs on Muna from that day on
but nothing shocked her
or bonded her more to Muna
more than the day
which she found herself running errands but wandered off and got caught in the wrong alley…known for notorious neighborhood thugs…
sonia was frightened to death
a little girl in the midst of wolves,,,she felt repelled
even though she was a little bit grown at that time
barely puberty age
but it was still wrong
why were they looking at her like that
it was wrong
it wasn’t until a man touched her shoulders and pulled her close that
a tiny boy ran forward and tried pushing him away
up till now she wouldn’t know what gave Muna the courage
barely 14 at that time but yet he…
halima broke of her thought
“sonia pls be honest,,,I need to know if I am disrupting anything going on”
sonia had a gloom
expression as she slowly shook her head
halima asked again
“are you sure?”
sonia hesitantly nodded
halima gave her a quizzing Look
like she wasn’t convinced
the suggestive way sonia acted when she saw Muna and her together raised her objectiveness
and also
she got bothered by the fact that when she called Muna that night
sonia picked the call
she could tell it was her
it was her voice
a lot of things ran through her mind at the time
what were they doing at the same place at that late time of the night
what was Muna doing to her with his hands that he couldn’t pick up his own phone
ok if they werent doing anything
why would a guy let a girl pick up his phone if they hadn’t any kind of deep relationship
halima then said
“Look I just wanted you to understand that,,,at first ,,,I had a bet with rita,,but as things went on,,,i started to fall for him, ,honestly sonia I’ve never felt this way about any guy before,,,its a feeling I can’t explain”
“so I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t causing A rift here.,,Muna doesn’t talk much so,,,I couldn’t ask him,,,but girl to girl now,,,I need to know that there is no problem with me proceeding”
“I really like him and I’ll really appreciate it if you are honest with me cos,,,it seems as if there’s something between you two,,,although I’m not clear about it”
well that does it
sonia couldn’t find the right words
what good would come out if she said her mind
it wouldn’t make any difference
things would still remain the same
“there is no problem halima,,,he is my good friend,,and I’m happy if he is finally happy”
her own words stung her heart
like needles piercing through
she selflessly denied it
she did what she thought was best for the both of them
what she thought was best for him
there is no way she could compete with halima
she had it all
rich parents,,lavish lifestyle
and beauty beyond measure
what did she(sonia) have
absolutely nothing!
what could she offer
Muna deserved better
and halima was definitely better

after a while,,,theg ended their chat
and parted aways…but halima had said thank you to sonia for her honesty
she even offered that they should be friends
and made to hug her
which sonia openly accepted
she had a blank expression on her face as she walked back to her sit
jessy had quizzing look roaming all over her
she asked
“well that took a while,,,what were you guys keenly talking about”
sonia looked up at her friends face
what would she say to her now…
if jessy realised what she just did…
she’ll probably hurt her
right here right now

The bell rang for closing time
all the students packed up and
headed to their different homes
halima had an uplifted slightly happy mood as she packed up her stuff
she had cleared up the air between her and sonia and was really looking forward to spend time with Muna
she planned to walk home together with Muna so she could probably tell him her mind on the way…
but he had left
even before they rang the bell
all the cleansweep boys had dissapeared
she wondered where they always go to
and what they usually do

so then she decided it would be later in the evening when she goes to his place to work on their project
she would tell him her mind and let him know how she feels
she smiled to herself
at the prospects of the outcome
she was quite confident of it
but then again like a bad viibe
Tamuno appeared by her desk the moment she was done parking
he winked at her
and she buffed
he then said
“what’s up”
she nodded
“so how about we go have some fun tonight” he said
she rolled her eyez at him
“must everything about you be only about fun all the time”
Tamuno shrugged his shoulders
“well yeah I’m young,, I’m rich,, what else,,life is about fun tho,,,”
she rolled her eyes again
he then said
“someone like you should know,,,I mean,,,you’re in my shoes too,,your parents are really rich,,you’re beatiful,,you’ve got it all,,,so why not just hang out with me”
she lingered on his statements
perhaps everyone thought that way too,,
perhaps people thought she was still rich
that her parents still bought expensive stuff and go to exotic places…
at that moment
halima felt withdrawn
she started thinking of home again
she revved up and made to leave
“hey where you going!,,,what about my requests”
Tamuno queried her
she calmly replied him
“I’ve got something important to do this evening”
she excused herself
Tamuno looked puzzled after her,,,
what could be so important
what could be more important than him…
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Muna made sure he had held billz locked safely within his legs before he settled to attack his left ear
the ticks on the dog was starting to multiply and it was really begining to worry him
“should I be buying disinfectant for you everyday eh billz”
bills looked at him with his two big eyes like duh!
who knows what was going through the puppy’s mind
**well duh,,,its your responsibility,,,I’m your dog**
he and the guys had to leave school
earlier to see if they could secure a spot
on a band show coming up in gwaza city
this wasn’t an ordinary thing
it was like the biggest band event in the country
if not the entire west africa
international personalities
would be present at the event
A band could even get the chance to get signed to a legit record label
that was their biggest dream
it would be a one in a lifetime opportinity
happening nowhere else than in gwaza city
but then again,,,**that place tho**
Muna thought,,,thinking of the history they’ve had with that city
but he brushed off the idea
atleast this will give them a chance
to fully establish themselves
**luck is shining upon us**
Muna thought
thank God for Dre
it was he who saw the advert on the wall
and carefully tore it out
he took it to muna’s house and they
studied the details properly
Muna was about to settle for the next ear as he turned billz to the other side a knock came on his door…
he wondered what yaro could be looking for
he had already paid him and returned his plates
so what then
he moved bills away
and dusted off the dog hairs from his body
and went for the door
he hinged it open but was surprised at what he saw
the two people standing outside his door was quite unexpected
so how come
Episode 23
°°Do you dare me°°

Muna opened the door hingely and was quite surprised by the two figures in front of him
How come
Tamuno was standing outside with a brazen face
As if he was here to fight
Next to him halima stood with one hand on her hip
From the Look on her face one could easily tell that she wasn’t pleased with the fact that this Tamuno guy followed her here
Not sure what to make of the situation
Muna opened his mouth and quizzed tamuno
“Why are you here”
He didn’t want to sound offensive
But the sight of tamuno really pissed him off
Why the hell should one of juma’s boy be at his doorstep
He should know better…
Juma’s people and cleansweep don’t see eye to eye…
Worst of all out of school
Its like making a wolf and an alsatian dog breed stay in the same room
**what the hell was he thinking coming here**
[06:28, 6/1/2017] Kenna: Halima noticed the heated tension between the two as they glared at each other intently
She quickly stepped in
“I was just on my way here,,,so we could work on the project,,,but I kinda bumped into him on the way,,,and since he is the third wheel of our team,,,he insisted he come with me”
She blurted out
She wondered why they both looked at each other that way ,,,
Not sure what exactly was the thing they had between them she continued
“Pls just let us in first”
Tamuno snorted
“Wel his manners didn’t seem to register that fact”
Muna was about to retort…
Then he looked down and saw that he had been standing at the doorway all this while
He revved up
Then spaced the door properly
Letting the both of them in
They stepped in
And went straight to his living room
He closed the door
And bolted it from inside
He then walked off to them
He gave halima a puzzled Look
Halima took his hand and led him to a corner where Tamuno wouldn’t be able to hear them
“We were not supposed to work on anything today” Muna said
“Yeah,,,I know um”
“Then what are you and Mr bozo over there doing in my house” he said again almost loud
She became sullen
“Don’t talk like that Muna,,,it wasn’t my fault,,,I just wanted to see you so badly,,,that I decided to surprise you by coming,,,but then he came out of nowhere ,,it seemed as though he had been following me”
Muna widened his eyes in amusement
“He was following you?”
He asked her in annoyance,,and without waiting for an answer
He started moving towards Tamuno in anger
Halima quickly stopped him
“Muna hold on,,,whah ,,,where are you going”
He looked at her
“To teach that pervy stalker a lesson”
She flinched and held his shirt
She couldn’t understand why there was so much bad blood between the both of them
She held his shirt tight and drew nearer to him
She had planned to see Muna today
And have a nice time with him
She didn’t want anything that would ruin his mood
Or turn him off
Cos she needed him badly
She needed that affection
That care!
He sighed
“You said you planned to see me,,,what is it about,,,nothing serious?”
He queried her
She drew in her breath
Then got ready to expose to him
“Yeah I did,,,actually i-”
She stopped and looked up at his face
“The thing is ,,Muna I really-”
She got fascinated and drawn by the way his piercing eyes
Peered into hers
He had so much intensity in his eyes she didn’t know when she drew closer
Perhaps to take a closer Look
Perhaps to lock lips
Who knew
But the magnetism was strong and uncontrollable
She got drawn closer
Their faces were so close together
Tamuno’s voice cut them off
“Like are we going to do something or just stand all day moping around”
His voice had a sting of annoyance in it
They both adjusted and went back to the living room
Since this was supposed to be another project event
Muna went into his room and brought out some materials
He placed them on the floor
And beckoned they all sit around
The look of dissaproval never dissapeared from Tamuno’s face
He kept giving Muna side stares
They began to work on the finishing touches on their project
Although Tamuno hardly gave much contribution cos he hadn’t laid a finger on the project since it started way before
He noticed the way halima and Muna flowed together as they all worked
This annoyed him the more
They would go over a theory and halima would wait and tease Muna about already knowing the answer
This would make them both chuckle and infuriate him the more
He kept giving Muna death stares
But what fumed him
Was that Muna seemed restrained and unbothered at all by his presence
This really ticked him
They went on and on
Tamuno just kept quiet and observed closely
Aafter long hours of flipping through materials
And working out theories
The project seemed tact and ready for submission
The only thing left was
The outro
They rounded up
And it was already late
Time to leave
Muna checked the wall clock
He stood up
Gave halima his hands for her to get up
She stood up
But peered into him
“Are you that eager to send me away?’ She peered into him
He shook his head
“Nah,,,but the rules the nightguards have is,,,all gates,,,or in this case-”
Pointing to his door
“All doors must be locked and bolted before 7:30 for safety reasons”
He playfully tipped her nose
Halima smiled and nodded
Something ticked off tamuno’s nerves
She never smiled like that for him
Let alone feel so hAppy when he touched her
He stepped and grabbed
Halima by the wrists
“Come on,,,its late let’s get going”
She winced as his fingers bruised her elbow
“Ouch! ,,hey ,,,what’s your rush,,,go home if you intend to ,,,we don’t live in the same house,”
She yanked her hand free from his grip
And rubbed the spot
Tamuno had an enstranged Look on his face as he peered at her
She turned to Muna and said
“Pls I’m a little pressed,,,can I use your bathroom for a while”
He nodded
Then motioned her the spot to head to
He and Tamuno then stepped outside to excuse her
And possibly wait so as they could get going
As they stepped outside
Muna felt the cold night breeze
He breathed it in like a drug
He always loved the cold
It was something he and his brother shared in common
Apart from a long list of other things
While he was still reminising
In like five minutes gone by
His shirt got pulled by the collar and yanked to the wall
Tamuno grabbed him and pinned him against the wall
**of course**
Muna thought
Very typical of these guys
He had been expecting this all day
What took so long
Tamuno pushed his face to him in sn enraged manner
Muna could feel his hardbreathing
So predictible
They must always result to their fist
Tamuno’s voice was rough and croaky as he spoke
“Now listen to me you you little biracial punk,,,that kele in there is mine,,,all mine and not shareable ,,you understand”
Muna sighed
He looked down at his collar
Where Tamuno gripped roughenly and looked back at tamuno’s face
He calmly asked
“Who do you think you’re gripping by the collar”
Tamuno roughened him again against the wall
Muna scoffed and shook his head
Tamuno ragingly asked him
“Do you think this is funny you stupid little punk!!,,,I will wooze you right here now,,,if you joke around”
Muna started to loose his patience
This was a new shirt
And this idiot was busy giving it new designs
He coarsely said
“Take your hands of my shirt ,,,!”
Tamuno laughed sardonically
“Are you kidding me,,,is that how they thought you to plead”
Muna glared at him directly in the eyes now and simply said
“I wont repeat it again,,,take your filthy hands of my shirt now!”
Tamuno got ticked a little…
But what the hell
He had had enough of the whole thing
He wanted a piece of Muna
He angrily gripped his collar again and tried roughening him against the wall
Muna contemplated wether smashing his face right now
Or just leaving it to Tobi
He decided to do the latter
Instead he laxed
Tamuno got so infuriated by his calm and relaxed attitude
**who the hell does he think he is**
He angrily released one collar
And tried to smack Muna
But as he raised his hand
He got stopped!
Someone held his shoulders from behind and pulled him away from Muna
He effortlessly swung Tamuno to the ground
“Now that’s about too far ,,isn’t it,,” Tobi rhetorically asked him as he went and pulled him up to his feet
The shocked Look on Tamuno,’s face was no mistake
“You like dragging people by the collar eh,,,let’s see how you taste your own medicine”
Tobi pulled him up by his collar and lurched him towards a wall
The cry of pain was almost laughable
“Ahn ahn why now ,,,this small thing ,,,shebi you’re busy forming macho boss the other time” Tobi teased him
He then dragged Tamuno and smashed him against some empty waste bins
Tamuno writhed around the ground
Tobi sighed
“Awww,,,come on get up my friend,,,I’m not done yet” he mocked him again
Muna just watched in silence
He knew he was already too late when he gave Tamuno a second warning
Tobi had been looking for a chance to get his hands on one of juma’s boys. ,,he could list a few things he had a grudge with them
Who wouldn’t
He could have saved Tamuno fron this embarrasment if he had stopped him himself
He gave him a chance to back off but he refused
Now its no longer his issue
**its between you and cassanova** Muna thought in his mind
Soon he wondered what was keeping halima so long
He decided to go back inside and check
Tobi dragged a weak and bruisedTamuno up again
He snapped his fingers over tamuno’s weary eyes
“Don’t pass out on me o,,,we need to talk to someone right now”
Tobi pointed down the road at a man dressed in an atire
The man had a rifle slung over his shoulders
And a large torchlight in hand
“You see that nightguard over there,,hmn,,,let’s go to him ,,,you’ll explain yourelf as to why you were molesting an individual of these streets by this time of the night”
He noticed Tamuno dulling his eyes as his head staggered around in half unconciousness
“Hey ,,hey,,I said no fainting o,,,are you deaf”
Tobi sarcastically broke into a song
/eeh,,no fainting baby,,ehh/
/eeh no dulling baby/
/I sAy,,eeh no fainting baby/
/and don’t pass out baby/
“You’ve heard that patoranking song right,,,attaboy,,now lets go before you start to ask me question like “WHO OFF LIGHT””
Tobi dragged him off
Tamuno was half walking and half leaning on Tobi
He could barely make out two plus two at this moment
…from inside the house
Halima stepped out of the bathroom
She walked over to the living room but as she went she passed through muna’s room
It was nice and well kept
She unknowingly stepped in and realised that the place had his scent
A very nice fruity scent
Her eyes wandered to the bed
And her heart skipped a beat
She didn’t know what to make of it
She stood and stared down
She leaned on the wall still admiring his room
From the casual wears he kept in a labelled section
To the stage wears he kept in another section
He had everything in proper sync
From shoes to hats
To materials
Both formal and informal
All in perfect sync
She wondered how someone who grew up alone
Was so well mannered
So well kept
And so dreamy
She blushed at the last thought
His belongings were so natural
Small simple,,,and nstural
Everything looked just like Muna
“Well ordered!”
She said outloud
She didn’t realise when she said it out
Then suddenly
“What’s so well ordered?”
Muna ‘s voice rang through the air
She froze when she realised him
Standing across the corridor looking at her with that same intensity
As before
If it was possible to define
It would be an understatement as to what she was feeling right now
“So what did the man say”
Tobi shrugged
“Well in his exact words”
“Na so alhaji pikin dey do,,,abeg make una no vex”
Muna chuckled at the way Tobi mimicked the night guard
They had sat down chewing snacks while watching another shippudeen episode
“Is it that you guys always have light or-”
Muna looked at him and queried
“Yep,,don’t you guys”
Tobi chuckled
“If could call five hours a day light,,,then yeah ,,,that’s all we got”
Muna forgot to ask then thd thought came to him
“You said something about Dre,,,cos I know its unsuall for you to just walk over here”” less somethings up”
Tobi nodded
“He sent me to come over and ask you for conenience,,,he can’t stay home tonight cos of-”
Tobi watched muna’s jaw tighten
He continued
“Anyway ,,,he said pls,,don’t lock your door yet ,,he’ll be here soon”
Muna sighed
If there was anything that pissed him off more than mr sam…
It was definitely this…
Why won’t Dre just listen to him
Just one simple move
Muna hoped one day
Atleast Dre would see reason and move out ,,atleast for the time being
He needs space
Muna knew it
And he knows Dre does
**but Dre is just too annoyingly selfless**
Muna sighed again
His eyes were on the tv but his mind had wandered off
He could barely mske out the screens on the tv
At this stage
Muna was sure nothing else could surprise him again
Nothing at all
Or so he thought
A quick knock came on the door
He and Tobi exchanged looks
Who could be knocking by this time of the night
Was Dre already here
They both went to the door to find out the individusl
Tobi massaged his knuckles and bundled up his fist
Gdtting ready incase if it were some unwanted individuals
(As in ,,gentlemen of the night)
Muna curiously opened the door
And once again
He was greeted with another surprise
He took back his words earlier when he said that nothing could surprise him Anymore
This was really unexpected
“Good evening ma” he greeted her
Bowing a little
Sonia’s mom smiled
Brightly as she saw muna’s handsome face
“Oh my beautiful son,,,how are you this evening”
“Very fine ma” he replied
Tobi simply snorted as he stood beside muna
[06:34, 6/1/2017] Kenna: His facial expression changed when he saw sonia cowering behind her mum
He excitedly cried out
**gosh!! Tobi!!**
Sonia inwardly complained as Tobi gave away her position
He was still smiling sheepishly
As sonia glared at him
She’ll get him later
There is something else now
Muna now had a raised eyebrow as he noticed sonia behind her mum
Sonia’s mom brushed her from her back towards her side then said to
“Erm,,,Muna my son,,there is something ,,we need to discuss about”
Again not sure how exactly to react…
Muna spaced the door for them to enter


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