Sunday 1 October 2017

Story ••• [All That Glitters] Eps 12&13 of 36

: Episode 12
°°the Cassanova in action°°
As soon as Mr Zaki left the class
I walked over to discuss with Rita
she and alima were giggling and chatting some kinky stuff that I probably wouldn’t want to know about
“hmmn,,,I see the both of you have gotten quite close” I asked
rita and alima looked up and smiled at me
“yeah,,,i just enjoy Rita’s company,,,she is more,,um lemme say more relatable”
I raised an eyebrow at alima’s comment
“so are you saying I’m not fun to be with”
rita revved
“come on kenna,,don’t be jealous nw,,,girls just tend to understand each other way better”
I didn’t want to get in an argument or scuffle
so I just simply brushed off the convetsation
“fine fine ,,,anyway rita,,,i think we should start working on our project right now,,,as you can see Im not interested in having that biracial punk win me again”
I stated firmly
rita looked at alima and told her
“you see kenna,,reads harder than anybody in class,,,he has all texts and references,,,but still he always come second in class”
alima revved and asked her
“so who always comes first in class?”
rita used her head to point to the back
“that one!”
they all looked back and saw Muna in a dazed state,,,Mike was still tapping him
rita continued
“you know the funny thing is,,,he hardly listens in class,all he does is listens to music or sleep”
“and yet,,,the brat always scores higher than me”
I added in a slightly annoyed
alima simply stared at muna in admiration
the way his hair fell on his eyes as he rested back was somehow riveting
at this moment Mike got tired of nudging him up and simply left him in annoyance
I was in a hurry to do some stuff so I
“come on rita let’s go and discuss our project”
: As I dragged rita away to the library
Only a few people remained in the class
Tamuno walked over to Halima and started a con
“Hello ,pretty girl,,,my name is Tamuno ,,,I see we are in the same group huh ,,,”
Halima looked at him and nodded slowly
Then Tamuno continued in an arrogant tone
” well consider yourself lucky to do stuff with me,,,cus I’m like the hottest guy around school”
He had a snobbish attitude that irritated halima in a way
“Unhuh,,,I see”
She replied him
And he continued
“Your name is halima right,,,a pretty name for a pretty lady”
” so,,,how about we skip the formalities,,,you see a girl like you need someone capable for her,,,so just-”
Halima cut him off
“Hold on ,,,I thought you wanted to discuss about our project,,,so …”
Tamuno revved up
“Relax,,,the project isn’t going anywhere,,,let’s just try to know each other better first”
Halima folded her hand over her chest
And replied him ghastly
“And what makes you think I want to know much about you”
Tamuno let his eyes fall to her chest
She had moderately large b*obs
He managed to reply her
“Well,,,um,,probably because I’m the happening guy around here and the smartest”
He smiled in an arrogant manner
Halima scoffed and replied him
“Smart?,,*scoffs* ,,looking at you closely I’m not even sure if you know anything about applied physics”
She looked at his face
“Or didn’t mr zaki said he placed you with two other people because of your weak performance”
Tamuno didn’t reply
Halima noticed his distracted state
She traced his gaze and saw what he had been staring at all the while
He had a hungry look on his face as he stared relishly at her bossoms
Halima scoffed again
She clapped her fingers at his face
“Hey!,,hello,, what are you looking at,,,up here pls”
Tamuno shook from his reverie as he took his eyes away from the spot
She asked him again
“Huh,,,my face is up here,,,my lips are the ones talking not my chest,,,bozo”
Tamuno gave an excusable smile
“Eh,,well ,,,as I was saying,,,so let me get your number so I can hit you up when I need to”
Halima gave him a shrewd smile
“Nice try fella,,,but we see everyday in class so no need for my number to get to your clutches”
Tamuno was taken aback but he revved up and said
“Alright,,,I understand you need sometime to think about it,,,but don’t worry,,,I’ll holla you again tomorrow,,,”
He winked at her
That made halima roll her eyes at his obnoxiousness
He stood up to get going
Halima raised an eyebrow at him
“You are leaving,,when we’ve not even agreed on a topic yet”
Tamuno seemed amused
“Aww,,I see you still need my company,,,don’t worry babe,,,I need to take care of business,,so just take care of the project business ,,,we’ll see tomorrow”
He winked again at her
And left the class
This was one of the guys that simply irritated halima
What is he feeling like
Does he think he is charming or something
Judging by his looks he was probably a rich spoilt kid,,,who didn’t know anything upstairs
Then halima thought
**but that means we are almost the same thing**
She quickly brushed off the idea
**No way**
She may also be a rich spoilt kid who always got what she wanted,,but unlike the usual
Halima was very intelligent
Which was an added advantage to her unbelievable beauty
Only seven people remained in class at this time
Two boys and three girls
Were at the left side discussing loudly
Halima stood up and walked to the extreme end of the class to Muna
She stood in front of him
He still looked like he was sleeping
“Hey,,hello,,,are you awake” “let’s talk”
If not for the soft angelic voice
Muna would have given whoever dared to disturb him a serious whack
He opened his eyes and saw a curvy shaped girl in front of him
He traced his eyes from her hips past her chest then stopped on her face
He flinched a little
But revved and said to her
“Urh,,,is there a problem”
For a teen,,,Muna had quite a deep a rough voice when speaking
She wondered how he sounded when singing with such a voice
She stopped herself from staring then said
“Yeah uhm,,,Muna right ?”
Muna nodded
“I wanted to ask what you would like to do for the project ”
Muna had a confused look on his face
“Project?,,,urh,,,what project?”
He grunted out
She squeezed her brows a little
“Um,,didn’t hear anything mr zaki said in class”
Muna adjusted
“Well as soon as the bell was rung,,,he had no business in the class anymore,,so I decided not to pay any serious attention from then,,,,”
Then Muna angled his head like he was trying to recall something
He said
“Although,,,it seems I heard something like huh,,,two partners,,,picking a topic, ,submitting by the end of the month or something like that”
Halima seemed aghast
“Really,,,,I thought you were already sleeping by then”
Muna scoffed and replied her
“My eyes sleep,,,butmy mind doesnt”
She revved
“Okay,,,anyway let’s talk about what we should choose as a topic”
Muna looked at his wristwatch
And started
“Well ,,,um,,,just choose whatever suits you and we would talk later”
He stood up from his seat
Right then halima noticed how tall he was
Considering the fact that she herself was very tall for a girl
But Muna was still more than a head taller
He started towards the door
“But how will I get to you if I’ve found a topic”
Muna turned and faced her
“Well we can’t see today again,,,cus I have to do some stuffs”
Halima thought in her mind
**you too,,,**
Does it mean that when it comes to work guys will lazily give an excuse of having something else to do
“So what do you suggest we do”
Halima reached for her bag and brought out her phone
“Here,,,put your number in,,,I’ll call you later so we can talk”
Muna hesitated at first
He contemplated giving his number
Whenever his new number reaches the public it goes viral all of a sudden
He starts to get weird calls and messages from unknown individuals
Halima looked at him
And grinned
“Whah,,, are you shy in giving me your number”
She asked him
Muna looked at her with a raised eyebrow
He took her phone from her hands and typed his number in
“Just try to be discreet pls” he told her as he handed it back
She collected it and said
“Okay then,,,just expect a ping anytime soon”
He revved at her
Then she said
“I just hope your girlfriend won’t pick the call and start quizzing me”
Muna looked at her
Not in the mood for kinky conversations
He sighed and replied
“Like I said,,,just be discreet”
And he turned around and left
There was a coy smile on halima’s lips
**as if i’d let someone else rival me,,,don’t worry hottie,,,I’ll be very discreet** she thought in her mind
Tobi checked the window and saw his uncle drive out through
The gate
He smiled to himself
He checked the time and it was
8:30 pm
**yea,,,aisha will be here soon**
He left his room and walked to the parlour
His room smelled nice cuz he just cleaned it up dressed his bed and scented it ready for the night
He was expecting aisha to come over
Aisha was a gorgeous looking lady he saw at the streets one day while coming back from school
He started a conversation with her
And from there they exchanged address
It took sometime to convince her to finally come to his house
But today she agreed to come and even spend the night
He had everything ready
His uncle was going out and won’t come back till the next day
The only problem was that punk in the parlour
As Tobi reached the parlour
Mike was still engrossed with the naruto manga he was watching
By the way he relaxed comfortably on the sofa Tobi was sure this guy wasn’t ready to leave
Everyone else had left,,,immediatly it got dark,,,but Mike just sat down like as if he owned the house
Tobi was so anxious he was staring unbelievably at Mike
Who was busy laughing and making comments on the actions shown on the screen
At this moment Tobi regretted ever letting john know he had new naruto episodes,,,it was john who started calling everyone and also made the mistake of calling Mike too
Tobi walked slowly to the couch and sat down
“Gosh ,,,that hokage is so funny look at his silly dress,,,he’ll probably fall when running,,,don’t you think so Tobi”
Tobi didn’t even answer he kept a stern look on his face as he stared at Mike
Mike gulped down another bottle of the juice Tobi had prepared for his date and said
“Mmm good juice,,,,Tobi I need more of this stufg,,,hope there is some in the fridge”
Tobi clenched his teeth in anger
Mike decided that the sofa was not comfortable enough and too far from the tv
So he stood up and went closer to the tv and sat on the floor
He continued his ranting
“Yeah,,,man kick him,,,give him some flying punch,,,,deal with the idiot well.,,”
He looked back at Tobi
“Gosh that’s why I like kakashi sensei,,,he fights with purpose,,,just like me !!”
Mike smiled at his comments
Tobi just simply kept mute and secretly wished he could bundle Mike into a sack and throw him out
The fool was going to ruin a perfectly planned night
He had decided to welcome aisha with a very lustful kiss then lead her to the sofa where he will put a very e----c film and try out some moves with her there before taking her to the bed
**but now she’ll come and watch this stupid thing!!**
Tobi exclaimed in his mind
While he was still seething in annoyance
The doorbell rang
Tobi anxiously stood uo and went towards the door
He opened it and was greeted with a deep kiss as aisha threw her hands all over him
She smelled good and dressed nice
he still stood at the door
“Well aren’t you going to invite me in or are you having second thoughts”
Tobi regained himself
But stuttered a little as he looked back at Mike who was still setlled comfortably on the floor
” No um,,,of course,,,well,,,,you know you look very nice”
The girl raised an eyebrow at him
“Wait Tobi don’t tell me you have another girl over,,,cuz I won’t stand for rubbish tonight”
Tobi took her hands and started
“Of course not,,,didn’t I tell you that day ,,,you are the only angel in my life,,,the only one who captured my heart,,,the only love I’ll die for” he boasted
Aisha smiled and replied him
“So ,,,but why aren’t we going in now”
Tobi couldn’t make out an explanation
He simply led her in and closed the door
As they entered Mike looked up at them and said
“Ooh,,,you must be aisha,,,Tobi said he was expecting,,,sorry I cant stand and greet you poperly ,,I’m too engrossed with this ”
Mike pointed to the tv and hastily tuned his attention back to it
Tobi led aisha and they sat on the couch behind Mike
Aisha had an accusing look on her face as she glanced at Tobi
Tobi stood up and brought a glass of water for her
She looked enstranged as she took the glass
From him
Tobi thought
**manage it abeg,,,its not my fault,,,,one idiot managed to finish a whole bottle of juice I bought**
As he was thinking he looked angrily at Mike who was too focused on his film
Minutes passed by but Mike still sat
30 minutes gone but he wasn’t moving at all
Tobi looked at the time
**ahn ahn**
Aisha was already getting impatient as she kept hissing continously
Tobi started
“Mike its 9:45 now,,,shebi you’ll start going now,,,you know how the streets gets dangerous at night”
Mike looked back and replied
“Oh don’t worry my brother,,,my bike is downstairs and I trust that red devil,,,no hooligan can touch me when I’m on that speed machine so don’t worry about me” Mike smiled as he faced the tv again
Tobi fumed in annoyance
**who is worried about this idiot ,,,my friend leave my house so I can bl*ep this girl in peace**
But Mike kept chanting and raking over the scenes in the film
Tobi sighed
Why is this punk interested in spoiling show tonight
Then he tried iimprovising
An old skill he learnt when he was in junior high
He placed his hands over aishat shoulder
Then let it dangle over her chest
Aishat observed his movements and shifted closer
Tobi would touch and feel her boobs a little but he would get interrupted at times
When Mike would rant out and look back at them like
“Wow did you guys see that,,,that kid just punched a grown up man through the window,,,just like me!!”
He would smile then turn back to the film
Tobi was tired of placing and removing his hands from her shoulder because of Mike
He decided to try something else
He put his hands at her back and slowly unzipped her dress and moved his hands to wards her left boobs he started fondling it carefully
It wasn’t noticeable because his hands were behind
Tobi smiled a little at his smart move but soon
Mike started scratching his eyes and complained a little
“Uhh,,,its like I’m too close to this thing,,,”
He immediately got up and went to the couch as Tobi and aishat detached themselves and adjusted
Mike went to their middle and sat sepearating them in opposite sides
Aishat was clearly annoyed as she gave a loud hiss
Mike turned and said to her
” Aunty hope I’m not disturbing you o”
She looked at him with a frowned face and shook her head
“Ehen, ,,cos me I want to enjoy my film” Mike added
They sat like that for some minutes
Tobi suffered in silence as Mike sat in between them still watching the “stupid naruto”
Aisha soon grabbed her purse and stood up in annoyance
“Tobi pls I’m leaving,,,I have better things to do at home”
Tobi almost jumped as he went after her
“Aw now aisha,,,you can leave like this,,,let’s spend more time together”
She looked disbelievinly at him
“Spend time doing what here,,,or watching what with that guy” she pointed at Mike
Tobi was disheartened
As he thought
**but how can you leavr when I’ve not even bl*eeped you small**
Tobi wasn’t ready to waste his efforts
He managed to convince her to stay
After much pleading she agreed not to leave
They decided to go to Tobi ‘s room and left Mike at the parlour
When they entered
They sat on the bed but Aisha still seemed annoyed
“I thought we agreed that ,,,when I get here your uncle or anybody else won’t be around,,,but just two of us”
Tobi explained to her
“It wasn’t my fault ,,,all my other friends had already left but I don’t know why that one doesn’t want to go”
She replied him
” you promised that only the both of us would spend the night together,,,and you broke that promise ,,,how I’m I sure that you won’t break your promise of love to me”
She asked him emotionally
Tobi saw this as a chance to hit the jackpot
He took her face in his hands and said to her
“Baby don’t think like that at all,,you are my all in alll,,,my greatest jewel,,,the voice of my songs,,,,the pick to my guitar and the inspiration to my music ”
Her eyes twinkled at his sweet words
“Do you really mean it,,,Tobi be honest do you truly love me and only me ,,and no one else”
Tobi held her waist and pulled her closer
“I mean it baby,,,you are my only love,,,my eternal love”
He lowered his head and kissed her passionately
She responded and pressed on him
Tobi was a born player
Its hard to tell how many girls he had proffesed love for and dumped later
(Even I can’t count)
They were still stuck in a deep embrace as
Tobi slid his hands under her dress to slowly tug at her undies
As he one hand slowly undid her zip the other one was under her dress
Then suddenly
Mike pushed open the door and stepped in
“Hey Tobi um-”
They broke off and adjusted themselves
“What !”
Tobi asked with a stern face
“Uh ,,, I need the second season ,,,that one has finished” Mike said
Tobi eyed him for a while then said
“Its in the tv drawer”
Mike smiled and said
“Alright thanks,,,”
As he left
Tobi stood up and locked the door
He turned and said to her
“Don’t worry its locked ,,he won’t interrupt again”
“Are you sure” she asked him
“Trust me”
She stood up and stepped towards him
She took his head and they started kissing again
Tobi grabbed her by the a*ss and lifted her up
He placed her on the bed and layed over her
He decided not too waste more time
As they continued kissing
She slowly unzipped her dress as he toof his shirt
She was working on his belt he almost took out her undies
When all of a sudden
Mike pushed his head through the door and said
“Yo tobe,,,the remote is not working ”
Tobi jumped up from the bed and almost screamed
“Just press it !!,,,press the button it will work!!”
He quicjly went and shut the door again
As he turned around
Aishat was already gathering herself ready to leave
How would he explain to her
that locking a door made no sense when it comes to Mike
He could crack the toughest safe and open it
Tobi was frustrated as he started pleading with aisha again
Muna poured milk into a cup and mixed it with sugar
He turned half into a bowl and placed it down for bills
Who happily wagged his tail and licked Muna
Muna drank and digested with a loaf of bread
That was alk he would eat for the night and he wasn’t really interested in eating more
He remembered one time sonia once teased him that he was so skinny because he didn’t eat much
After the meal he went straight to bed
The night was too cold so he wore a jacket to sleep
As he closed his eyes
To sleep
A message entered his phone
He lazily reached for his phone to check it
It read
°°hello handsome,,how is your night,,,°°
He had a confused look on his face
Soon his phone started ringing again
He checked the caller iD
It was an unknown nlumber
He thought in his mind
**who could this be**
Episode 13
°°°lets defend our school°°°
“mom I’m going now”
sonia called after her mom as she stepped out of the door
“okay soso,,,do your best,,,win the biggest medals o”
her mom yelled back at her
sonia smiled at her mothers cheesiness as she stepped out of the house
she’d trek from here to nkova then pass kari streets before getting to school
it wasn’t that far
just a 10 minutes walk
as she walked down
her smile increased when she saw someone stepping out of the house
and locking his door
she waved at him
but he simply looked away
she lowered her hand slowly
as her smile dissapeared
she turned
and draggly continued her walk
not after taking too much steps
her name got called
she recognised his voice
she thought about feigning and pretendinh like she didn’t hear
atleast she hollered him first and he did the exact thing
so in a way she was justified
**but is it really nec-”
while she was still contemplating
Muna reached for her shoulders and turned her around
“is everything alright,,,I called your name but you seemed deep in thought”
he quizzed her
she stared into his brown eyes and didn’t utter a single word
she noticed he had a new haircut something like a wavy punk
it was very fitting for him
Muna blinked
she revved
“yeah! yeah! ,,,good morning,,,how was your night”
Muna raised an eyebrow
the day she will really collapse is the day he will see trouble
there was this dreadful feeling he had about sonia having an asthma attack around him
“fine,,,you’re going to school right,,,I’m also headed there ,,,”
sonia looked puzzled at him
“you want to walk with me to school”?
Muna peered at her
“unhuh,,! is anything wrong with that”
she shrugged her shoulders
“I don’t know,,,I mean I waved at you but you acted like you didn’t even see me”
Muna started
“oh that,,sorry its this morning sun,,,I can’t really see well during the day,,,I saw someone waving,, but I couldnt recognise it was you,,so I thought it was a mistake”
they started walking down the road
sonia quizzed him
“can’t see well during the day,,,?,,,that’s abnormal o Muna,,,because,,,I know you can see clearly at night more than anybody,,,so what’s now the problem with daylight”
as she asked him she gasped and stopped
she place her hand on her mouth as she whispered
“Muna are you a vampire”
Muna burst out laughing at her naive comments
(wow,,,so he actually laughs)
sonia just stared and smiled at his openess with her
she missed the times when they use to chat freely like this
Muna started
“sonia pls,,,don’t tell me you are one of those people too”
she looked questioningly at him
“which people”
he replied her
“the believers now!,,those ones who think all these stupid film trick rubbish exist,,,werewolves,,zombies blah blah blah”
sonia looked down at her feet then said
“well who knows,,,you don’t know what kind of stuff maybe out there?”
“out where”?
she gestured with her hand
“as in out in the world”
Muna raised an eyebrow and asked her
“have you been hanging around with that freaky classrep,,,cos you are starting to sound like him”
sonia simply smiled
Muna revved and told her
“look there are only two things that I am sure are solid in this world,, and they are “Dogs” and “thugs”
sonia scrunched her face and quizzed
“what sort of logic is that”
he shrugged his shoulders
“its muna’s logic,,,I can’t explain further”
she revved
“but seriously,,,why is your eyesight bad during the day”
he breathed out and said
“well its a kind of eye defect,,,have you heard of hemarolopia before”
sonia shook her head
Muna continued
“when I was little,,,I remember one time my dad took me to the optician,,,and they said i had hemarolopia,,,an inability to see clearly in bright light,,,”
sonia peered at him
“its like a situation where the iris is defectively pigmented,,,its also called heliophobia,,,or day blindness”
sonia nodded her head as he spoke
then he changed the topic
“so ,,,inter school sports today right,,,I heard you are the captain of the female volleyball team”
she nodded her head as a small smile danced on her lips
it soothed her to know that he actually knew about that
in a concerned tone Muna added
“ehm,,,just try not to push yourself too hard,,,you know with the whole jumping and running eh”
sonia felt touched that he was concerned about her
it was nice knowing
that atleast he had her in mind
she assured him as she said
“don’t worry my inhaler will always be closeby when I’m playing ” she flashed him a smile
Muna flinched a little as he watched her smile
just then a thought came to sonia and she decided to ask
“urh,,,did you like the porridge I gave you that day”
Muna slowed his steps a little as his mind flashed back to the barda porridge he was given
**urgh,,,that punk Mike ate the whole thing**
he thought
he anxiously replied her
“um but I didn’t eat much,,,I couldn’t finish it,,,I didn’t know when that crazy Mike took the dish and ate it all”
she peered at him
“its ok Muna,,,but you tasted it right was it good”
Muna revved
“yeah it was quite good,,,delicious actually.,,tell you mom i’d like another plate if she can”
sonia smiled and nodded
if only he knew she made it herself
if only he knew she specially prepared it just for him
they passed through nkova layout and entered Kari street
school was just up ahead
the assembly was breif and light
probably because of the games scheduled to hold today
even the teachers spared no effort in rushing their classes
Everyone looked forward to the inter schools
(well apart from some un-interested cleansweepers)
rand high school was chosen as the host of the inter school sports probably because of their large field and up to date sporting equipments
Upto twenty different schools will be arriving to participate in the competition
it was free period now
and immediately after the next bell all the students would head out to the feild,,,both those competing and those who were not
it was the rules
Muna brought out his phone and started playing an RPG game as Mike and a student were discussing
he was so engrossed in the game he didn’t notice someone already sat beside him
it was until he percieved the orange perfume he turned to the side and saw halima staring at him
“urh,,,is there a problem”
halima chuckled
“you always say that”,,,”how about you just say how are you babe”
Muna raised an eyebrow at her
“it’ll still lead me back to the first question tho”
halima chuckled again and shifted closer
her boobs were brushing his shoulders
she started speaking in a coy tone
“your hairstyle is amazing”
“well thank you” Muna replied
and focused back on his game
“did you get my message yesterday” she quizzed him
he looked up
” you were the one who said hello?”
she leaned closer
“after the whole “hello,,, how was your night” ,,,I sent another message,,,something kinky,,,didn’t you read it”
Muna gave some space and replied
“I must have slept by that time”
she rolled her eyes
“and you didn’t pick my call too”
Muna stated again
“like I said,,,I must have slept”
he returned back to his game
she shifted closer again
and started running her fingers through his hair
Muna scrunched his eyebrows
he gazed at her and asked
“is there a problem”
she smiled and replied him
“nothing I just like your hair”
Muna hummed
“thank you for liking it”
he held her hand and took it off his head
the boy Mike was chatting with observed them and said to Mike
“me ya sa duk wannan soyayya wasan” (what with the early morning loveplay)
Mike grinned and replied him
” ta saboda kyanta”
halima heard them and smiled she understood their comments
she started again
“you know I’ve chosen the topic,,,for our project,,,we should start working on it now”
Muna nodded without looking up
she continued
“its a very broad topic ,,we would need to work very close together,,,and probably everyday”
“I see”
she straightened up and said
“let’s start today,,,lemme have your address so I can meet you in your house”
Muna stopped playing and looked up
“my house”?
she scrunched her eyebrows
“yeah,,,unless you prefer comin to my house,,,(she chuckled),, I don’t mind I’m available anytime,,,but the distance is no joke”
Muna gave her a questioning look
“why don’t we just work in the library”?
she laughed
“come on,,,Muna,,,this is an assesment project,,,do you think its something we can spend just two hours on,,,”
Muna contemplated for a while
then halima continued
” I’m not saying we can’t borrow some materials from the library sometimes,,,but we would still need a private spot to study hard”
Muna wasn’t comfortable with the idea of giving out his address,,,but it seemed like she made sense with her point
halima was grinning inwardly
its a no win situation
and it made rational sense
“there is a public holiday on Tuesday,,,hope you’ll be free Tuesday” she asked
Muna sighed and nodded
“great then its fixed”
she blurted out
Mike brought out his phone and showed a text to Muna
Muna read it and looked at him then asked
“right now”?
Mike shook his head and said
“after the bell”?
halima started leaning on Muna again
but suddenly the bell rang
that signaled the begining the sport session
Muna gladly stood up without being called by Mike
“but where are you guys going” she asked them
“to the snooker room of course” Mike answered like “duh”
she framed her brows
“but they just rang the bell for the sports competitions”
,,,”aren’t you going to the field”
Mike laughed as he replied
“come on baby!,,we are musicians,,not sportsmen,,,like our boss says,,”we don’t do ish like that”
he and Muna left the class and headed to the sports room
the entire field soon got filled to the brim (no pun intended)
most of the other schools had arrived by now
their teams brandishing their different jerseys
on the other side ,,,the volleyball section had the girls getting ready for a face off sonia had dressed in her sports attire
but the shorts and shirt did very little to conceal her figure 8 curves (trust me I know)
the opposite team was also warming up
hill crest high school were the first to face our school
for the female volleyball
the football section also had the teams warmed up and ready all we waited for was the referees whistle
(I was the prestiged captain and striker of our team)
soon the match began and we were in possesion of the ball
cheers from both our school and hill crest filled the air
as we played
the hill crest were known to be ruffians but they seemed more tougher today
in less than 30 mins they’ve committed multiple fouls and 1 redcard
we played for 45 mins straight and no team had scored a goal
I heard the referee blow the whistle for halftime and I signalled my teammembers together
we chatted for a while
and we strolled to the field side towards our coach
I could hear shouts from the crowd
as students excitedly cheered on even though it was still halftime
I looked towards the crowd amd saw rita
she waved at me and gave me a thumbs up
I smiled and waved back
as we got there coach quizzed me
“ken,,,what’s wrong ,,,no goals today,,,”
I scrunched and looked at him
“sorry coach,,,but these guys are playin like its a life and death situation”
“its true coach,,,we’ve barely survived till now”
yahya added
coach brought out a new strategy for us
“this hill crest boys are a little extreme today,,,they’ve already put 3 of you on a stretcher,,,you can’t keep facing them head on”
coach looked at all of us then continued
“if we can just get to the post,,,I’m sure atleast one goal will be delivered,,,so here’s what I want you guys to do,,,”
he gave me and yahya a perfect strategy to use
the ref blew the whistle and second half started
the kick off was breif
an hill crest boy had the ball in possesion
he played with so much agility you would wonder if he took five bottles of lucozade or something
he had gotten dangerously close
but swiftly yahya stole the ball from him
and just like coach had said he tactfully made sure all attention was on him as he dribbled and snaked his way through the defence
by now everyone was sure he would soon make a powerful shot into the post and as predicted he reached a few yards to the goalkeeper and kicked it to his dirction
the keeper dived and followed the ball
but yahya’s curved shot decieved the poor keeper and it came to my unsuspecting head as I nodded it cleanly to the net
shouts of goal rang in the air as me and yahya ran over the field jubilating with our teamate
the audience was filled with cheer because of that single goal
but the clock was ticking
better to make our victory permanent by scoring more goals
we played for 25mins but we were yet to get another chance
luckily 5 mins to stoppage time
we had possesion of the ball
wasabi the third striker was moving in fast on hill crest defence he passed to yahya,,,yahya pranced around and passed to me,,,I passed back to wasabi
the three of us kept tactifully moving closer
a few feet from the post and the ball was with me
I ran fast cus I knew this was definitely another goal
the screams increased as I reached the box 18
I lobbied the ball for a shot
as I lifted one leg to shoot
I had the most blasted tackle I’ve ever witnessed in my life
(guys that play ball,,,you know when you know that someone just gave you’an ordinary tackle,,,and a time you are very sure that,,this person was trying to kill you ,,that’s how I felt that moment)
anyway,,,I’m not sure how many times I rolled in the air
but I know that when I landed on the ground ,,,the impact of the floor was not beans
the referee blew the whistle for such a notorious foul

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