Monday 25 September 2017

NL Music Review !! Kiss Daniel’ s New Song “YEBA ” – A Hit Or Just An Average Song?

It’s not all about jumping up and down sweating to some fast-paced Pop sound, with some catchy tune highlife, like Yeba by Kiss Daniel, you can enjoy life with music.
The frontline G-WorldWide Entertainment act and a fast-rising comedian has just helped us step back to the 90s The time when moving comfortably left to right “Jelenkely” was the best way to groove.
With the amazing use of piano effects combined with horns, the beat came out excellent. Just in case you don’t know, this kind of YEBA rhythm was what our parents were enjoying in those days.
Lyrically, Kiss Daniel murdered the track by injecting a bit of his comedy vibe to it
Female Voice:- “Uncle Stop touching”
Kiss Daniel:- “Sorry madam, sorry”
But what is he touching? Maybe the Kaaka or the Booby We can’t wait for the video to be released so that we can see what Uncle Kiss Daniel is touching. Lol!!
A well-prepared highlife tune like this deserves to be rated 8/10 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆★★
How would you rate the song Yeba by Kiss Daniel?
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